Mario Tonveronachi 
University of Siena and Tallin University of Technology
Coordinator of the Economia civile-Ford Foundation research group
Member of the Tallin research group working for the FESSUD programme funded by the European Union
Member of the Board of Directors of the association Economia civile
Member of the editorial board of Ensajos Económicos
Research interests: Macroeconomics, Keynesian and Post-Keynesian economics, Financial systems, Financial regulation
Email addresses:;

Elisabetta Montanaro
University of Siena and Tallin University of Technology
Member of the Tallin research group working for the FESSUD programme funded by the European Union
Research interests: banking risk management, banking supervision, bank capital structure and performance, local and retail credit markets
Email addresses:  

Alessandro Roncaglia
University of Rome, La Sapienza
President of the association Economia civile
Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
President of the Italian Economists Association (SIE)
Editor of Moneta e Credito and PSL Quarterly Review
Research interests: post-Keynesian economics, history of economic thought
Email address:

Alberto Dalmazzo
University of Siena
Research interests: central banking, monetary policy, wage inequality, regional inequality
Email address: 

Carlo D’Ippoliti
University of Rome, La Sapienza
Assistant editor of Moneta e Credito and PSL Quarterly Review
Research interests: applied economics, heterodox approaches, history of economic thought
Email address: 

Francesco Frasca
Former Head of the Italian Banking Supervision Authority, Bank of Italy
Research interests: banking regulation and supervision, fiscal policy
Email address:

Roberto Valcamonici
Former Director of the Department of Payment Systems, Bank of Italy
Member of the board of directors of Borsa Italiana (London Stock Exchange Group)
Invited professor at the University of Siena
Research interests: payment systems, CCPs 
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